You can order a sample of most of our wallpapers. Each wallpaper sample costs €1.95, including the cost of postage. At present, it is only possible to order one sample for each wallpaper design. It could be because a sample of that product is not available. The order button only appears on the product page of the item number for which samples are available.
1. Select the item you would like to order and click on ‘order’.
2. Click on ‘Basket’ to see the items you selected. Here you can still remove items.
3. Click on ‘To Basket’ to finalise your order.
4. Choose your shipping method. If you need to, you can still change the number of items or remove items at this point.
5. Click on Payment.
6. Fill out the details requested. You can place an order as a guest, but you can also choose to create an account. To do so, click on the link below the ‘email address’ field. In case you already have an account, you will also see a link to log in to your account.
7. Select Payment and pay through the payment option of your choice.
8. We will send you an email confirming your order and containing your invoice.
9. Once your order leaves our warehouse we will send you an email containing a Track & Trace link. If all you ordered were samples, you will not receive a Track & Trace link, since we will send those to you via regular mail.
Once you have paid for your order you can no longer change or cancel it. You can return all or part of your order within 14 days after receiving it. To do so, please follow the instructions on the returns form, which you will find with your order. After receiving and checking the returned items, we will refund the amount you are entitled to.
Yes, you will receive a pdf file of the invoice along with the email confirming your order.
We offer two possibilities to have your order delivered:
Option 1: You have your order delivered at home. For delivery to the Netherlands we charge €4,95 shipping costs. For delivery to Belgium or Luxembourg we charge €7,95 shipping costs. For delivery in Denmark we charge DKK 59.
Option 2: We send the order to an Eijffinger pick-up point. You receive a Track & Trace link with which you can follow your shipment so you know when this has been delivered to the pick-up point you selected and you can go and pick it up. There are no shipping costs with this option (this is not an option in Denmark).
Your order will be delivered to the delivery address you provided by GLS. Once your order leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email containing a Track & Trace link so that you can follow your shipment.
Yes, we will send a confirmation to the email address you provided. A pdf file of the invoice will be included with the confirmation email.
Yes, you can. At one of the steps in the order process, if you have chosen for ‘delivery by GLS’, you can add a different delivery address in the steps that follow. If you have an Eijffinger account these addresses will be saved so that, in future, you can choose one of your saved addresses for delivery when placing an order. You need to be logged in to your account in order to see them. It is not possible to have an order delivered to a post box.
We always try to ship all the items in your order at once. When ordering several different items it is possible that some of them are not in stock. If that is the case, we may have to divide your order across separate shipments. If this were to happen, we will of course get in touch with you straight away. Of course, if we have to send the items you ordered in separate shipments we will only charge the shipping costs once.
Yes, when finalising your order in your basket you can select ‘pick up at an Eijffinger distributor’ (this is not an option in Denmark). If you select this option you will not need to pay shipping costs. Once your order leaves our warehouse you will receive an email with a Track & Trace link so that you can follow your shipment and see when it is delivered at the pick-up point of your choice. Please note: not all Eijffinger sales points are also pick-up points. When finalising your order you will be able to select a pick-up point from a list.
It could be because a sample of that product is not available. The order button only appears on the product page of the item number for which samples are available.
Anyone can place an order on our webshop, but we only deliver in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark. If you do not live in one of these countries you can still place an order, provided your order can be delivered to an address in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg or Denmark. This includes the pick-up points in these countries (this is not an option in Denmark).
If you have a question, please let us know! We try to do our best to have an answer as soon as possible.
Address headquarters (for business only):
Heliumstraat 100
The Netherlands
Telephone number: 0031-793441200