vtwonen 'Weer verliefd op je huis'

Bart and Iris live in the house of Iris' mother who died after a serious illness. They would like to make a fresh start without losing the memories of her mother. But they find it difficult how to approach this, as their living tastes are quite different. Bart likes a dark interior. He calls his motto 'more is more'. Iris, on the other hand, is happy with a clean, bright and tidy house - in other words 'less is more'.
The biggest interior problem is the difficult layout. The couple does not know how to arrange the space in the best possible way. All the walls are white now, because they are not sure what they want to put on them: wallpaper, paint or both? Iris prefers wallpaper, but Bart doesn't like it. It reminds him of old-fashioned floral or striped patterns. What does make him happy are his games. They should therefore be seen in the new interior.
To stylist Frans the honour of coming up with an interior solution for this couple. Of course, he chooses wallpaper in the interior - he even applies it to the ceiling! He chose our green look-a-like grasscloth wallpaper for the extension, creating a green 'gateway' to the garden. For the living room, he chose the same wallpaper, but in a different shade. Even the games cupboard is wallpapered! On the wall towards the kitchen, he chose yet another colour of the grasscloth design, this time the light grey variant. They are all wallpapers from our collection Canvas. By choosing the same pattern wallpaper each time, but in a different shade, Frans adds a surprising effect to the interior without making it too crazy. Beautiful, isn't it?